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sam stribling
$24.2M follower assets
Retail investor working in the tech industry. Have my MBA and help family and friends with their portfolios. Long term mindset following a DCA/DRIP strategy using options occasionally.
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Silver Linings Playbook
This post is to outline why I am investing in Silver for both the short and long term and specifically how I am doing it.

Why Silver:
  • It is a traditional store of value that has kept up with inflation for centuries. Not many assets can say the same.
  • The Precious Metal's market is far larger than you might expect as illustrated by the 25 largest assets by market cap below:

As you can see Gold is the number one asset in the world at a whopping $12.7T value. Silver is #5 on the list behind Saudi Aramco at $1.35T in value. Prior to my research I had no idea that these assets were as large as they are this market is no joke when it comes to size. Now, I know your next question is going to be, well why not just do this on Gold since it is literally king of the hill when it comes to available assets. Don't worry.. I am going to address that a little later in this post!

  • Incredible demand: Silver is in your hand as you read this. Here is a direct quote from a Lehigh University Study :"Silver has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals. In fact, silver defines conductivity - all other metals are compared against it. On a scale of 0 to 100, silver ranks 100, with copper at 97 and gold at 76. Because of this property, and because it doesn't spark easily, silver is commonly used in electrical circuits and contacts. Silver is also utilized in batteries where dependability is mandatory and weight restrictions apply, such as those for portable surgical tools, hearing aids, pacemakers and space travel." So, aside from investors seeking an inflation protected store of value, over 50% of the demand is actually commercial.
  • There is a physical shortage: In a prior post about this topic I outlined how the market is at a severe deficit. I will link this post later actually under the risks of my thesis.

Why Not Gold?: The answer to this is simply the "GSR" or Gold to Silver Ratio. This is simply a measure of how many Troy Ounces of silver to equal a Troy Ounce of Gold. (Note metals are measured in Troy ounces not metric ounces)
  • The current GSR is 81:1 since a picture speaks a thousand words this is what that looks like

This is not normal. Historically, the range has been between 10-15:1 indicating the metal is significantly undervalued. In fact, this lines up almost exactly with the elements ratios in the earths crust of 11:1. Said another way, in normal mining operations, 11 ounces of silver are extracted for every ounce of gold.

How I am Investing: Physically for the long run and via ETF's in the short run.

My Current Trade: I have 2 January 19th 2024 $AGQ calls at a $32 strike. It is currently trading at $29.56

Thesis of this trade:
  • The value proposition above for the underlying asset
  • Technical patterns (Using the $PSLV for the analysis as it is based on the physical while $AGQ is a 2x leveraged ETF)

A: A series of higher highs
B: Large buys and small sells
C: The MACD has just crossed bullishly

  • GSR could be held down based on the paper market artificially suppressing the price.

What Changed My Mind?:
  • I do not believe that derivatives can hold the price down forever of a physical commodity.
  • The buying in large quantities and physical demand, should, outweigh creating more contracts eventually.
  • I am taking a smaller position than before.

I hope you enjoyed this post and find the information useful! Please let me know what you think in the comments!
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Should I Stay or Should I Go?
In the words of The Clash, if I go there will be trouble.. if I go there could be double.. this indecisions buggin me!

After Abercrombie & Fitch (sorry I couldn't help myself lol) decided to downgrade the US yesterday it seems that the market has just decided earnings don't matter let's just punish companies for kicks.. $AMD comes to mind as a prime example, irrespective of their quarters.

I personally have been layering into some $AMZN $130 calls expiring September 15th for their earnings. I also added to the stock but I am long there and have no intention of selling that, so the question is around the calls. Do I cut bait and bail on them today or let it ride? I believe the quarter will be strong but my concern is that a lot of quarters have been strong but the price action has not been.

So, I am posting this poll and the dude will abide by Commonstock's decision just before close today.
AMZN Earnings $130 Calls
82%Let it Ride!
17%Sell Sell Sell!

17 VotesPoll ended on: 8/4/2023

To me it feels like we're in a bullish uptrend. Yesterday was a chance to take a breather. But my guess is that if Amazon posts good results, the market will reward it.
After Action Review
For those who are unfamiliar with this term, I am borrowing it from the US military. It is an exercise where after a mission the team reviews what went right and what went wrong with the intent on improving and getting better. Here is mine for this weeks $MCD trade.

What did we expect to happen?:
Well this one is easy.. I was expecting a pop from $MCD on earnings based on my thesis I posted at the beginning of the week.

What actually happened?:
$MCD did in fact beat by a mile and my thesis was pretty accurate. I was expecting that people would trade down to their food as it is relatively cheaper in this environment of food inflation. I also suspected their digital presence would drive sales and revenue, which it did. However, as with many things in life it is all about timing. $MCD dipped pretty hard into earnings putting my $305 calls under water. I added to them to drag my basis down but ultimately I found myself behind the 8 ball. I have trimmed my position down as close to break even as I can and have the remaining position set to sell at limit orders to hopefully make up for any losses on the first tranche I sold already. I will let these ride for a week or two and see if the limit orders hit.

What went wrong?:
I was excited for the quarter and felt it would be strong. Despite this being factually true, the market had general headwinds like the FED and the DOW had been a little too hot and was due for a pull back. As I mentioned before, I got in too early for an earnings play it seems. In my defense, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow so I got in and averaged down but I should have paid up in premium for perhaps more time and to be closer to in the money.

What went right?:
My thesis was directionally correct and $MCD did pop. Just not as much as I had hoped. I survived to trade another day and have exited most of the position and can redeploy to another trade. Also, I was fortunate to limit my exposure. I only have one account that I can trade options in and it is my smallest account. So, wins are great but losses are mitigated and do not derail my life. I intentionally do not have options approved in my IRA's etc. and force myself to stick to the slow and steady growth approach.

I didn't take home a big win but I also didn't lose the farm. This reminds me of how you can be right and wrong at the same time.. a memo I wrote a while ago but is worth checking out if you haven't found yourself in this type of situation. Here is that post if you are interested!

Given the unexpected dip in $MCD's value leading up to the earnings report, how would you adjust your strategy for future earnings plays to account for potential market volatility in the days leading up to the report?
+ 1 comment
Just Mc’Double!

So my thesis was correct. $MCD beat by a mile but I need the market to pay attention!

ADJ EPS $3.17, EST. $2.78
REV. $6.50B, EST. $6.27B
COMP SALES +11.7%, EST. +9.36%

I was sweating last night after $CMG took a dive. Would like to see $MCD at $305 but might have to wait a few days for that. I’d also like to sell my calls for some profit!

Great quarter (pounder with cheese) and with EPS up 100% from last year I’m not sure what more the market wants!

Two things need to happen for chiptole. The first being a stock split it’s time. Second they need to get a purple mascot too lol. But chipotle raised prices too much it’s coming back to bite them. McDonald’s fantastic quarter! Happy for you
Please 🙏 please let my thesis be right!
C’mon Grimace you purple bastard!

$MCD is making me sweat into its earnings report! Turn around and go up please!
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$MCD Earnings Thursday!

  1. Despite headline inflation decreasing, prices are still high, especially for food. $MCD has even increased their prices but on a relative basis it’s a cheap meal.

  1. People are traveling again and it’s summer time. Seasonality favors $MCD historically and the more people on the road will drive traffic to the drive through.

  1. Successful Marketing - $MCD went viral over the Grimace Shake this quarter and all that attention is great free press for the product! If people went to try the shake odds are they got other food too and could spur some customers who otherwise would not consider $MCD normally.

These points are why I am not only a long term shareholder but also have some call options on them to capture some additional upside (I hope 🤞🏻).

The Fed could throw a wrench at the market generally this week which is always a risk but hopefully, whatever they do, doesn’t sink my thesis.

C’mon $MCD!

Mortgage Rates!
I have seen this floating around lately and think everyone should see it. Wild how a ~5% change makes such an impact on your total cost!
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Thank the lord I’m not looking to buy a home yet. Got enough problems with law school loans lol
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